
My enemy's friend is my enemy. Why did the IDIL attacked Russia

For all the versions expressed during these days, the Crocus incident seems to have a terrorist attack actually IDIL. Blogger Yuri Bogdanov reminds that it is an organization and for what she hates Russia. The first opinion of many Ukrainians after the attack on Crocus City was: "Another Ryazan Sugar". This is a logical assumption, especially when you know about Putin's experience. But it looks like it's really idil. So let's remind a little.

IDIL is a Sunni Islamic Organization that is the carrier of Salafti jihadism. Salaphism is a very specific area that calls for literal imitation of practices that have used the communities of the time of the Prophet Muhammad. A kind of Islamic Radical Reformation. The purpose of the IDIL is to affirm your ideals on the planet by creating the World Caliphate. Well, or at least-to restore the righteous caliphate of 7-8 centuries.

The beginning of the existence of the organization, which is then transformed into IDIL, has been deducted since 1999. The Islamic State of Iraq has declared itself, in fact, Idi, in 2006, 2014 transformed (by uniting with several organizations) into the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Well, she declared herself the World Caliphate. Who is the enemy of IDIL? The enemy of IDIL is everything that is not IDIL. It has historically happened that other Muslims were most affected by IDIL.

Both during the existence in Syria and Iraq, the actual state of IDIL (2014-2019) and before and after. And for IDIL - the main enemy is "not such" Muslims, but then Russia or event. What is below. IDIL is a logical climax of development and fundamentalism and extremism. Which germinated and scaled in the territories of Iraq and Syria destroyed by wars.

And the poor and disadvantaged population, without the strong control of the secular state, is a wonderful material for religious propaganda and recruitment. Therefore, when you write that IDIL is a FSB project is very funny. The ideas that led to the emergence of ISIL are much older than Russia. And the social and political base depends on Russia. Although, of course, it is likely that IDIL has incorporated agents of various intelligence and power structures.

For example, Americans somehow learned that IDIL was preparing terrorist attacks against Russia. Yes, now let's briefly about what IDIL-K is, or as they call themselves-"Vilayat Chorasan. " It is, in fact, some of the ISIL operating in the historical region - suddenly - Chorasan. Chorasan is one of the three regions of Central Asia that covers the territories of modern Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, parts of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

IDIL-K does not work throughout the historical chorasan, but views it as its target. Accordingly, the recruitment of humans occurs in Central Asia, and political perspective is local. Currently, the main enemy of IDIL-K is . . . Taliban. IDIL is currently accusing the Taliban of not having enough Muslims. Literally: they now criticize the Taliban that they do not comply with Sharia law and are too liberal. In the second place, of course, Shiite Iran.

Yes, for the IDIL Shiita is even more evil than, say, Christians, because they consider Shiites heretics and redemptors. Russia, in this context, is quite a natural enemy of IDIL. First, she is now a direct ally of Iran. Secondly, is actually a Taliban partner. In addition, according to IDIL, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and Russian in Syria - crimes against Islam.

Why did the FSB drowned this terrorist attack? If we reject pure conspiracy, then everything is quite logical: all the forces of Russia are thrown to the war against Ukraine, including the best personnel of the same FSB. There is no surplus in Russia. Therefore, such manifestations of asymmetric action is not stupid. If IDIL-K desires a continuation, it will have it. Or Putin will have to be scattered.

Why does Russia accuse the US and Ukraine? Well, what else to do? To say that we have found a fictional enemy, spent all the resources with him, and now have become vulnerable to another, real, which our own crimes in Afghanistan, Central Asia and Syria have grown? Or what? And so you can try to transfer from a sick head to a healthy one. Somehow. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.