
During the war, we invested UAH 7.8 billion in Ukraine - Zinova Kozitsky

During the war, the Western Group of Companies Invest 7. 8 billion UAH in the Ukrainian economy, mostly in energy infrastructure. This created 560 new jobs. About it in his blog said a businessman, the owner of the group "Wesennadraservice" Zinova Kozitsky, reports a telegraph.

"Only in 2023, our drilling company drilled 10% of all the wells in the country, the company" Geover "carried out 60% of all seismic works carried out in the country, and our energy unit built 7 single -sided solar stations during the war during the war during the war during the war during the war. In the west of Ukraine with a capacity of 60 MW.

According to the publication, since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of different purposes, more than UAH 200 million of assistance has been allocated, of which more than UAH 144 million was directly supported by the Armed Forces. However, the businessman draws attention to the information attacks that the company and the businessman's family experienced.

"Today, we have encountered a paradoxical situation in Ukraine, when a transparent business instead of arousing respect and be respected, as is customary in the West, becomes the object of information attacks," he writes. In particular, Kozitsky draws attention to the fact that the article on the construction of the road in Skhidnytsia is consciously or unconsciously not taken into account by many important facts that could significantly affect the content of the material.

He notes that he had commented journalists about this. The businessman, according to the publication, implements a large investment project in Skhidnytsia, where a branched tourist infrastructure is being built, which will allow you to create new jobs and maintain their permanent employment in the future. It will be the largest private investment project in the health and recreational sphere of Ukraine with a total projected cost of UAH 1. 8 billion.

"In the small town of Skhidnytsia, where tourism is the main source of income, we decided to create something more than just a wellness complex. We invest in the future of this region. So the project provides up to 150 new jobs. We are fundamentally that all workers receive official, "White salary. They will ensure the sustainable development of the city, " - said Kozitsky. It is said that in the previously published article NGL.