
They will not give up land, NATO and the EU: up to 80% of Ukrainians do not agree with the requirements of the Russian Federation - a survey

The security guarantees from the Western countries can protect Ukraine from a possible next war, a sure half of Ukrainians. In August 2024, they do not want to give way to the territories for the sake of peace, showing the data of a poll, conducted on August 8-15. The vast majority of Ukrainians, from 60 to 80%, do not agree to the conditions for the end of the war, voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin. They disagree with the occupation of the territory, value NATO and EU.

At the same time, citizens doubt whether Ukraine will be able to fight for a long time. At the same time, they remember the possibility of reducing the assistance of the event and losses already suffered by Ukrainians. The results of the survey conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation. Ilka Kucheriv, together with the Razumkov Center, reads a report on August 29 on the institution.

The description of the methodology of conducting the survey states that the sample volume - 2017 people aged 18 years, selected in two stages (first - random selection, then - taking into account demography). They communicated with people in 22 regions of Ukraine: it is noted that the results are influenced by departure and war. The date of the survey is August 8-15, 2024, the error is 2. 3%.

The topic of the survey is "War and Diplomacy: How Ukrainians treat possible negotiations and security guarantees. " Peace negotiations with the Russian Federation according to the survey results, 80% of respondents do not agree to the loss of the territory of Ukraine in exchange for peace with the Russian Federation. In addition, 70% do not want to give up NATO and the EU for peace, indicates infographics.

We see that about 10% agreed to the loss of the territory, 20% refuse NATO, and 17% - the EU. The question in which such answers were made of three parts - according to the basic requirements of the Kremlin. The Ukrainians also raised one separate question as to whether they would agree to peace if the peace of Ukraine is the price of peace. Almost 20% of respondents have set this, and up to 60%.

The losses of Ukraine and peace also in the social question were asked how Ukrainians correlate the losses that have already suffered and the possibility of peaceful negotiations. It turned out that about 30% believe that due to losses it would be possible to go for negotiations. On the other hand, 45% are convinced that you need to fight further because it is lost too much.

At the same time, half of the citizens said that it would be difficult for Ukraine to withstand in a long war with the Russian Federation. The largest percentage of people with such views is in the south (44%). The fault of the Russians sociologists asked the Ukrainians how they evaluate the contribution of the Russians to the beginning and continuation of the war. Almost 65% believe that it is the Russian citizens who push the Kremlin to fight.

Almost 80% replied that all Russians are responsible for aggression. On the infographic we see that this opinion is most followed at the Center of Ukraine (54%). In the south - the least accused of Russians (25%). The future war with the Russian Federation was also the question of the possibility of a future war and how it could be protected. More than 60% of Ukrainians are convinced that Russia is able to attack after the current war has been completed.

We also see that in the south, the smallest percentage of people completely agree with this thesis (only 11%). The same number (60%) of Ukrainian citizens believe that security guarantees will protect against potential invasion (it is not stated what is precisely under these guarantees - financing and military assistance or "nuclear umbrella").

It should be noted that in the spring, sociologists conducted another survey of Ukrainians, in which more than half of the respondents stated that she did not believe in the release of all the occupied territories. In July, another survey took place, in which 44% of citizens seemed to agree to peaceful talks with the Kremlin, but they did not agree to give way to the regions.