
"This is Oxymoron": Zakharova stated that the Russian Federation gathers "facts of human rights violations" in Ukraine

At a briefing, the Foreign Ministry spoke of "collective event", Russian prisoners and human rights, which are allegedly periodically violated in Ukraine. During the briefing, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova spoke about the coming peace summit in Switzerland, human rights in Ukraine and the "collective event". For a few minutes, the Russian Foreign Ministry spoke Russian prisoners.

Talking about the Summit of Peace, which will be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland, Zakharova stated that the "collective event" only "can" be engaged in some "browning". "And their alleged failure of terrorist acts conducted by the Kiev regime and their handy, and much more, indicate that they are a collective event, of course, the World Party of War. The conference has been declared in Switzerland in Switzerland.

It is only an attempt to gather some countries to try to legitimize Western narratives, Western approaches and, of course, legitimize both the figure of Zelensky himself and his regime, "Zakharova reported. In her opinion, the "collective event" encourages official Kiev to strike in the territory of the Russian Federation, already customary calling it a "terrorist act".

At the same time, the strikes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on civilian sites, such as the construction hypermarket in Kharkiv, in which 19 people were killed, Zakharova did not mention. "The current Kiev regime in a fact legitimacy makes it clear that it will not play democracy. I am sure that Bankov will try to ask dissent literally at the root," Zakharova said.

Further, in the context that in Ukraine the "Nazi regime" is allegedly in power, Zakharova reported that human rights were allegedly violated in the country. "Finally about human rights in Ukraine. It is an oxymoron, but we have to use this wording in order to collect facts and analyze them, in particular for future international legal assessment . . . From a legal point of view, this information is collected for the future . . .

The state of affairs is steadily degraded and, of course, this report should be called "about human rights violations in Ukraine". The terrible bullying of prisoners. But she spent time to say that in Ukraine it is forbidden "literally everything Russian" and books of Soviet writers. In addition, Zakharova spoke at the briefing of Catherine monuments in Odessa, Stepan Bandera, who is considered Nazis in the Russian Federation, as well as a charity golf tournament that will be held in Moscow.

As for the Russian prisoners, on May 29, the Ombudsman in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova stated that the exchanges of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine have been stopped for several months. And this is supposedly guilty of the Ukrainian side. Ukraine has stated that they are ready for exchanges at any time, but in the Russian Federation do not respond to their requests.