
Disintegration is needed: Russia will be dangerous even without Putin - an expert (video)

According to Professor Galina Zelenko, the ideal scenario not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world would be the disintegration of Russia. However, unfortunately, there are no prerequisites yet. Russia needs disintegration, otherwise even after the death of President Vladimir Putin, it will be a danger to Ukraine. This was stated in an interview with Focus, Professor, Doctor of Political Science Galina Zelenko.

According to her, the ideal scenario not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world would be the disintegration of Russia. However, unfortunately, there are no prerequisites yet. Zelenko noted that the threat requires a large, consolidated geopolitical formation. Some small states will not have resources for attacks on neighboring countries. According to the expert, Russia is a state under the leadership of the clan-oligarchic regime, which has already developed into autocracy.

The regions do not have oligarchic forces with financial support that could implement some political ideas. "There are no political parties in Russia that would not be state," the expert said. Zelenko also stated that Russian oligarchs are all more or less equivalent. They are in some ways subordinate to the FSB, which in the early 2000s could be taken under control. "Putin himself did nothing," Zelenko said.