
It's time to remain silent. Why any energy information is now-a rocket for rockets

Now is not the time for PR in energy and other strategic industries, economist Sergey Kuyun is convinced. Any information about Ukrainian achievements can be used by the enemy as a goal. "As for the details of destruction on hydroelectric power plants or others (energy objects-IF-y) . . . we have freedom of speech, but I do not support when the enemy knows what specifically he has done with his blow in Ukraine and the power system," he said At the Forum "Ukraine 2024. Independence" on Tuesday in Kiev.

"There are details that the whole world must know - to understand that Russia is creating here on our earth . . . But in what condition are certain structures and what we do there now - let it be in silence," the head of state emphasized, reports Interfax-Ukraine. I would also add that everything concerning strategic industries in energy and logistics should remain in silence.

Because these are bravurant, not daily reports of officials, heads of state and even private oil and gas and energy companies are a sight and stimulus for the enemy. You say, all you have, do you grow? Then we go to you! It seemed obviously. It turns out no. The position is more than convenient: how to PRIR to be positive - I'm a well done. And if you arrive, then I am not here, the enemy is insidious, and the arrivals, as a rule, do not report (and now the president also asked to say nothing).

One private company has come to the point that it was simply in the press reconstructed project that they were already beaten. And quite successfully, as it follows from the text, because now the company heroically overcomes the consequences of that attack. We do not have good news. Point. Everything is bad. This "positive" will not help in the work, but to be dangerous to the objects and professionals who work there are elementary.