
SBU and GUR are negotiating with groups of influence in the Russian Federation: political scientist told how they will be used

Thanks to influential persons, it may be possible to form a circle of rebels in the Kremlin, says expert Viktor Bobirenko. Those who have any impact in the Kremlin in favor of Ukraine or get important data are not a goal for eliminating Ukrainian special services. In addition, there are negotiations with the oligarchs of the Russian Federation, which can escape from Russia on the conditions of investment of their money in Ukraine.

Political scientist Viktor Bobirenko told this in an interview with focus. According to the expert, those oligarchs who have lost their capital from anti-Russian Western sanctions have already begun to be restored through investments in the Russian military-industrial complex. But with people who have influential positions, our special services should negotiate, says the expert. One way or another, let them be our situational allies, - says Viktor Bobirenko.

- It is especially important to keep in touch with those persons who can accumulate other groups of influence around them. This is important because it is possible to form any range of rebels in the Kremlin, the political scientist says. Also, in his opinion, it is important to keep all groups that can come to power after Putin's death and it is especially important that he or she is not changed by the same Putin.

According to Viktor Bobirenko, the seeing that Russia has stopped being the territory of security, the number of power -holders, influential persons or oligarchs of different scale, who are ready to go on acceptable negotiations for Ukraine only increases. Here, the political scientist has a categorical confidence based on the historical past that any society eventually gets tired of war. Even in the Russian army, the so -called "five hundred" - soldiers who do not want to fight.

In Russia, there will always be 20-25% of those who are in the war for the victorious end,-the political scientist notes. - But the arrival of our drones to the center of Moscow and the elimination of such traitors as Elijah Kiva, as well as constant shelling of the Belgorod and Kursk region signal that not everything is "followed by", as Putin says.

And if the constant danger due to shelling of Ukrainians is only angry, because we are not aggressors, then the Russians only split like this, says Viktor Bobirenko.

And although our society and warriors are also terribly tired of hostilities, but we simply have no other way out than to confront the occupiers, and they always have a way out - this is the withdrawal of troops from the territory of Ukraine and Russian society is increasingly thinking about the termination The political scientist notes. The full release of the conversation with Viktor Bobirenko will soon be published on the Focus YouTube channel.