
"Wonderful Results": Guri revealed the details of the strokes on the Russian Fleet Drones Magura (video)

Ukrainian Magura naval drones have become a unique phenomenon for the whole world, because they have learned to overcome obstacles and can affect the ships of the Black Sea Fleet both in the Black and Azov Sea. The Ukrainian non -ex -boats Magura continue to improve to harm the Russian Federation Fleet more effectively.

The peculiarities of marine drones were told by the representative of the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Yevgeny Erin on the air of the telecast. The air is mentioned on the Russian tugboat on June 6, during which Magura drones were able to overcome obstacles and blow up the ship.

The GUR spokesman did not reveal the tactics of the attack, but stressed that whatever obstacles the enemy would put, the Ukrainian forces will always find the best way to achieve the goal. Yevgeny Erin also commented on the attack on the tow "Engineer Smirnov" and barge "Section-179" in the Taganrog Gulf on June 8. At that time, the forces of Ukraine for the first time struck in the Azov Sea.

According to the speaker, the Fleet of the Russian Federation is trying to hide, so we have to increase new opportunities to reach it. The journalist pointed out that Magura drones could act coordinated, and asked whether they planned their use with UAV. In response, Yevgeny Erin noted that the department is trying to consider all options, including the integrated use of various reconnaissance and lesions.

Yevgeny Erin also emphasized that Magura is a drone of Ukrainian production, which for the first time struck a fighting ship in the world for the first time. In addition to strikes for targets, Magura can carry out exploration and patrol. The drone is able to act both under the guidance of the operator and on a pre -laid program. At present, there are no such devices in the world. "It is a very powerful multi -purpose drone that is already showing great results at this time," said Eugene Erin.

"We are sure that he will further manifest himself even better. " We will remind, according to the statement of the representative of GUR Andriy Yusov from May 10, the drones of Magura V5 caused the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in the amount of $ 500 million. The devices were effective against the warships of the Russian Federation and are constantly being improved.