
"There is only good Russians": The Armed Forces denied the capture of a robot (photo)

According to the lieutenant forces of defense with the call sign "Alex", most of the village in the Zaporozhye region is in the gray zone, and all attacks of the invaders immediately reflect. There are no success in the enemy in this direction. The Russians claim that the settlement of the robot in the Zaporozhye region took control, but this information is not true. The Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex" wrote about it in his Telegram channel.

According to him, almost the whole village in the south of Ukraine is a gray zone, and the forces of defense control all the arrivals from the settlement of Novoprokopivka, located nearby. "Only their (Russian, ed. ) Bikers, who shake up and do not return. Once again, the capture of the robot is a lie, at the moment only good Russians are there," the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces writes.

The 65 Brigade Presser, Lieutenant Sergey Skibchyk in a comment to the Ukrainian Pravda also stated that talking that the robot had passed into the hands of the Russians was not true. In reality, they are only on the outskirts, and in the village continue to be fighters of the Armed Forces, who knock out the enemy every day. "And every day they go again and try to fix. The speaker of the South Defense Forces Dmitry Pletenchuk commented on this occasion to journalists of the publication "Public".

He argues that hostilities are constantly underway near the settlement, but the occupiers have no success. Moreover, the shooting of propaganda rollers with how the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation set a Russian flag in the village occur periodically. "Information about the alleged admiration of the settlement of the robbery of the Russian Federation is not true. Russian information troops periodically arrange such provocations.

For this they organize performances in the war zone with the establishment of the State Flag of the Russian Federation. On the outskirts, for example, and then they usually die," - says Dmitry Pletenchuk. On the map from Deepstate analysts, it can be seen that part of the settlement is in the gray zone, but most of them continue to control the defense forces. We will remind, on May 15 the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declared the occupation of a robot in Zaporizhzhia region.