
E-Tales are not provided by law: the Ministry of Defense explained the essence of the e-cabnet of the military (video)

Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernoroenko clearly answered that the current document did not have an online statement. On Tuesday, April 2, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed Law No. 10062, which provides for the launch of a military personnel. The card of this Law is posted on the official webport of the Verkhovna Rada.

What the innovations are implemented by this law, in particular in the digitalization of the Ukrainian army, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Kateryna Chernororenko told on the air of the TV channel "Public News". The official first answered the delivery of online stories through the e-cabner of the military. She unambiguously assured that there was no such provision in the current document. "There will be no stories in the e -office of the conscript," Chernororenko assured.

According to Chernororenko, the bill introduces the possibility of creating and using a digital military accounting document (certificate). "Thanks to the bill, a register of servicemen of the Armed Forces and the State Service of Special Transport will be created, which will allow to provide online services to servicemen," she said.

According to the bill, Chernororenko informed, there is an improvement of the register of conscripts, military personnel and reservists, in particular in the part of establishing the interaction between the register "Oberig" and other registers of the defense department. "They will create a single register of mobilized. It will be tied to the Unified Register of Voters, which is not actually existed now," the Deputy Minister said. In addition, the bill No.

10062, signed by the President, who essentially became a co -author of this document, according to Chernnoroenko, will help to implement a digital revolution in the army and create a new philosophy, a new essence of service for the military.

First, when creating a conscript e-duty, it is no longer necessary to physically go to the shopping center and JV physically, and possibly from any convenient location to check their personal data, apply for the status of a participant of hostilities, avoid unnecessary queues and waste of time .

Second, the historical step that attaches Ukraine to the entire civilized world has called Chernororenko the opportunity to strengthen cyber defense and the right to place its IT systems in NATO military cloud storage facilities. "This will not only enhance our cyber defense and improve data exchange.

We will be able to receive more intelligence data, to determine independently what international standards in the field of security and information to apply to domestic combat systems and electronic services for the troops, which will provide more flexibility and autonomy," - explained the Deputy Minister.

Third, the military-duty e-host will help to carry out smart mobilization, to attach mobilized centers to those professions that the Ukrainian army is needed and at the same time in which they will feel confident and act effectively in order to perform the relevant military tasks. We will remind, Focus wrote that some Ukrainian men will not be able to call the army in April. This is possible in family circumstances, health and profession.