
The operation of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region in question: the event should help Ukraine - the media

According to journalists, the current situation may be the best chance to put an end to the conflict on exhaustion, which was triggered by the Russian Federation and fluctuations of the event. The operation in the Kursk region greatly impressed Moscow. The Kremlin is already preparing the public for the onset of the Armed Forces will last for months. About it writes the edition of The Telegraph.

According to journalists, the military success of the Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region is still in question. Yes, there is evidence that part of the forces is transferred from Ukraine, but the offensive of the invaders in the Donetsk region is ongoing. The publication writes that the Armed Forces is important to succeed in the Kursk region to slow down the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine itself. However, the operation is extremely important politically.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky may try to use the captured Russian stitches to liberate Ukrainian prisoners of war. In addition, the maintenance of Russian territories can play a role in negotiations with Russia. Therefore, according to the material, the event should increase support. Yes, the current situation can be the best chance to put an end to the war on exhaustion, which was created by the recklessness from the Russian Federation and fluctuations in the event.

The maintenance of the Russian territories was reported, the trump card would be in negotiations. Moreover, all the achievements are achieved contrary to the event. The publication writes that the fact that the invasion has not yet prompted the United Kingdom and other countries to expand further supply of weapons, puzzles and upset. The operation in the Kursk region undermined the argument that Russia will apply nuclear weapons if certain "red lines" are crossed.

In Russia itself, as the material is said, the situation is also changing. It has doubts about the power of the current regime. It will not be surprising if the Russian Federation again appears a figure similar to the dead head of PEC "Wagner" by Yevgeny Prigogine. According to journalists, the event should provide Ukraine with more weapons and permits to use it. Earlier, the media reported that the Russians would not throw troops from Ukraine for defense of Kursk region.