
"They won't be handed the story": the recruitment center for the Armed Forces was launched in Lviv

The civil center worked in one of the CNAPs in Lviv. He is aimed at being recruited in the army according to the profession. The first recruitment center of the Ukrainian army in Lviv was opened in Lviv. About it reports Mayor Andriy Sadovy in his telegram channel. The first recruitment center in the Armed Forces was launched in Ukraine. The project started for cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Lviv City Council.

It is intended to build a transparent and effective model of recruiting fighters in the Ukrainian army. The Center in the CNAP at the address: ul. Kostya Levitsky, 67. "The story will not be handed here. Everyone will receive detailed information about current military vacancies. These words opened the first recruitment center of the Ukrainian army in Lviv," Sadovy wrote.

The mayor noted that often among those who want to go to the army there is a hesitation, whether a person can realize himself in a specialty where they can be the most effective. Sadovy added that a person can be a physician, programmer, logist or other specialist. It is known that such centers plan to open in Kiev, Lviv, Dnipro and Odessa. The structure itself is absolutely civil.