
Logistics Coordination: Colonel of the Armed Forces told what the 17th "Ramstein" (video) is special

According to the officer and military expert Peter Chernik, to associate assistance to Ukraine and Israel is a systemic mistake. Military analyst, colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petro Chernyk explained whether the 17th meeting of the contact group for the provision of military assistance to Ukraine in Ramstein is a special meeting. He told about it on YouTube channel Focus on November 22.

"It will be a reconciliation of watches regarding the conveyor providing us with artillery ammunition, anti -air defense missiles, other consumables. True meetings take place live, not online. Therefore, this is another current work to coordinate the entire logistics process," Chernik summed up. As for the alleged influence of war in Israel on supply to Ukraine, the colonel noted that the 4-day Hamas truce would in no way affect the volume of military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

"In my opinion, we make one systemic mistake here, linking our military and technical assistance and assistance to Israel," the military expert said. He emphasized that this is not quite correct, because Israel 80% in the military sense provides itself, and 20% is, above all, rockets to the anti-aircraft missile complexes of the Iron Dome system. "We do not have an" iron dome ", so we do not cross in any way," Chernik added.

And he focused on the fact that sometimes information narratives are formed only on media sites and have no confirmation by official officials. For example, he cited the figure of 30% reduction of Ukraine's provision with shells, which is currently walking in the information space. "That's when (the chairman of the Joint Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States, General. - Ed.