
In Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk region, they found shrouds with weapons of Russians - the SBU

Among the found ammunition are mortar, anchor river and anti -personnel mines, grenade launchers and shells to the Grad Systems, thousands of ammunition of different caliber, etc. And all - Russian production. Military counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) found two more hidden arsenals of weapons and ammunition in frontline areas in the south and east of Ukraine. This was reported by the SBU press service in the telegram channel.

In Kherson, the Czron with a weapon was located on the territory of an abandoned building of a local private enterprise and, according to the available data, was equipped with Russian military during the temporary occupation of the city. This hiding place has found more than 30 mortar and anchor river mines and 30 grenade launchers. In Dnipropetrovsk, Czron was found in one of the private homes in the village of Novopetrovsk, the Mezhiv district.

Here, the hiding place has been removed: "At present, all the removed means of the lesion have been sent for examination for their further transfer to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, comprehensive measures for the establishment and prosecution of persons involved in the laid arsenals are ongoing. " in the message. We will remind, Focus wrote that in the Kharkiv region employees of DBR found a shrona with tons of Russian ammunition.

In addition, in Zaporozhye a man was preparing a terrorist attack against the Ukrainian military and arranged a shroud with ammunition under the bed of a 6-year-old daughter. At the beginning of the summer, a hiding place of weapons and ammunition of the invaders was found in Deocupovvanka. The identified weapons have already been handed over to the Armed Forces to the Fighters of the Luhansk region.