
Finland has closed four gearboxes on the border with the Russian Federation: the Russians staged a rally (photo)

The media reports that the Russians have already created a petition against the closure of the checkpoints, it was signed by almost 10 thousand people. Finland closed four of the eight border crossing points with Russia in response to a surge in migration. This was reported on November 18 by Yle, citing the country's State Border Service.

According to them, from midnight the border points of Iatra, Niral, Nujamaa and Vaalima, located along the eastern border of Finland, stopped working from midnight. In addition, it is known that during the last day, concrete barriers and temporary fences - stationary metal fences or temporary barbed wire fences have been installed at these checkpoints. The barriers were also lowered, which are commonly used to control traffic at border crossing points.

Border Guard Commander Colonel Mika Ritconen stressed that the border guard "is well able to manage similar situations. " "This is a strong and exceptional event, but its goal is to eradicate illegal immigration to Finland," Ritonin said.

The State Border Guard Service of Finland added that the statements for providing international protection can be submitted at the northern points of the intersection of the border of Vartius and Sally, which, together with the points of Kusamo and Rai Yeno-Eosppy, will remain open. According to the Russian Mash Mash, in the capital of Finland, several dozen Russians staged a rally against the closure of the checkpoint. People demand that families do not part with each other.

The Russians have already created a petition against the closure of the checkpoints, it was signed by almost 10 thousand people. "Four checkboxes were closed through the influx of refugees, but activists believe that they can be redirected to the appropriate stations. And children, parents and grandmothers do not forbid to see," - they added in the message.

Recall that the Presidents of Finland and Germany have accused the Russian Federation of migration crisis, calling its organization a "act of revenge of the Kremlin". According to the Finnish Head of State Sauli Niinsto, Moscow cannot accept the fact that it now borders with another NATO member, so it suits provocations. Earlier, Focus wrote that Finland was fighting illegals and forbade Russians to enter the country on bicycles.