
Mobilization in Ukraine: what specialties will call the Armed Forces in April

All military men aged 18 to 60 can mobilize to the troops. This does not apply to those who have declared unusable and those who have a deferral. In April, representatives of the shopping center and the JV can hand over summons to all military personnel from 18 to 60 years of age. The NV said more about what specialties.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization," can be called to the Armed Forces: by age and experience: by health reason: by military registration: by deferral: Commander of the Armed Forces General Viktor Nikolyuk, commander of the Armed Forces Command of the Armed Forces The army lacks infantry. "This is the infantry that is storming, which is fixed in the trench, holds the position, and the infantry goes to enemy positions, reflects the enemy," he said.

According to him, the most mass preparation of the infantry. However, unmanned aerial vehicles, tankers, artillerymen and mortars are also important for the troops. We will remind, on April 2, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law that allows mobilization of men from the age of 25, and about the electronic office of the military.