
"Issue positions": UAV operator told about certified drones that receive an Armed Forces

Some drones developers for the third year in a row cannot approve their invention in the Defense Ministry, explained Nastya Confederate Pilotes. On the other hand, the manufacturers of certified UAVs sometimes offer poor quality products. The Ukrainian military on the front lines use different types of UAVs, some of which have been certified from the Ministry of Defense and others did not.

At the same time, certified drones are everywhere dangerous for the Armed Forces fighters because they issue their positions. Whether the defects of the UAV release company were corrected, the external Pilots of the Wings Unit Nastya Confederate told Media NV in an interview. In a conversation with journalists, the Confederate reported two types of problems with which drone operators meet on the battlefield. One problem is the "power-high" non-certified devices used by the Armed Forces fighters.

According to her, such devices - up to 80%. The second problem is the poor quality of some UAVs that have been certified from the state and receive funds for mass production. The military explained that even now it works with a non -certified device. She did not mention any comments about his work. Meanwhile, the developers of these drones have said since 2022 that the certification would be undergoing certification, but the case is not completed. "But it was all" noodles on my ears.

As for UAVs, the suitability of which was confirmed for the Armed Forces in the Ministry of Defense, some of them are not all right. For example, when used, they are dangerous for fighters - they give their location to the enemy. The means of electronic struggle of the Russian Federation "see" Ukrainian positions and after that they arrive at the artillery projectile, the military explained. The Confederate met with the manufacturer of such a drone and complained to him for lack.

According to her, the manufacturer assured that the remarks would take into account and correct everything. However, nothing changed after that, Nastya stressed. The company name did not sound during an interview. "I say to him," You are just shot. "So I have a big question why they are still in service," the journalists of the Pilotsi Word brought. Nastya Confederate is a 37-year-old Ukrainian military, which in 2015 joined the ranks of defense forces.

Focus in 2019 told about her service during the anti -terrorist operation. It should be noted that at the beginning of 2024 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reported about 1 million drones, which should receive the Armed Forces within the next 12 months. After that, they announced the new project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation: citizens called for self -collecting drones and sent to the front. Meanwhile, new types of drones have emerged.