
Olga Tsybulskaya Occurred through the parental apartment in Irpen, which was fired by the occupiers

Olya Tsybulska confessed that she really has a conflict with her neighbors and does not deny that he really is a mess in the apartment. Olga Tsybulska got into a loud scandal through the apartment of parents in Irpen of the Kiev region, which was fired at the invaders at the beginning of a full -scale invasion. The singer told about the incident with neighbors in the house where the parents of the singer had previously lived on her Instagram page.

In particular, as the neighbor found out, Olga Tsybulsk and her mother Natalia are inactivity. It is said that the family has not yet brought order in and near the apartment, where the invaders were hit at the beginning of the war. Neighbors claim that glass particles are still hanging from the windows, which can be broken at any time, as well as air conditioner hanging on the hair.

The house cohabitants are convinced that the family impedes the repair work in the house, improperly cares for their premises and refuses to resolve the conflict peacefully. In particular, neighbors complain that the family did not score the windows in the damaged apartment, and because of this the neighbors on the walls have mold. Of course, the singer did not silence and replied to her family.

In particular, she denied the information that was the ambassador of Irpin's reconstruction and explained why she had not done anything with the apartment. Tsybulska stressed that the house in which the invaders were kissed in a state of disrepair. The family has in their hands all the necessary documents of the inspection of commissions, which found the apartment dangerous. Because of this, neither the singer nor her parents are ready to go to the apartment and order.

They are not ready to send other people there so they risk their lives. All the work to be carried out in the house will be done by specialists when it is appropriate order and permission. She also noted that she could calmly legally allow neighbors to order the apartment if they are ready to risk their lives. Also on Instagram, the star showed correspondence from the chat in which neighbors continue to actively populate her reputation and reputation of the family.