
Turkey develops hypersonic rocket based on ballistic Tayfun (photo)

Military observers noted that the hypersonic version of this rocket, which develops up to 5. 5 Mach, promises to significantly increase the range and efficiency of goals. The leading Turkish defense company Roketsan has started the development and test of a hypersonic variant of its small -range ballistic missile Tayfun. As reported on September 24 at the Turkishfacts4U account, a new rocket is able to develop speeds of up to 5.

5 Mach, which puts Turkey to the number of few countries with hypersonic technologies. Commenting on the news, Army Recognition reviewers write that hypersonic missiles with a speed exceeding 5 strokes, have high maneuverability and are practically invulnerable to modern missile defense systems. The development of this type of weapons testifies to Turkey's desire to strengthen their position on the world stage and to significantly increase their strategic and defensive potential.

Traditionally, the Tayfun rocket in its basic SRBM configuration (small -range ballistic missile) is used to strike accurate strikes at 300 to 1 000 km. The hypersonic version of this rocket promises to significantly increase the speed, range and effectiveness of the goals. Although detailed technical characteristics, such as range, load capacity and methods of opposition, have not yet been published, experts already note significant progress in the development of Turkish rocket technologies.

Viewers say that Roketsan, founded in 1988, plays a key role in ensuring Turkey's self -sufficiency in the field of defense technologies. The latest developments in the field of hypersonic are demonstrating its ability to create advanced weapons. These successes confirm that Turkey is ready to compete at the world and seeks to become an important player in global arms racing, where hypersonic technologies become one of the key areas.