
There will be more robots in the Russian Federation, but primitive: the engineer warned of a threat to Ukraine

Russia has a lot of money, but has no access to the world technologies, says the developer of Ukrainian drones Ratel. The story on the battlefield is repeated, as well as with FPV-Dron. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, separate company of land robotic platforms has already been deployed, but the Russian Federation also develops this area and has more resources for large -scale production of such devices.

Taras Ostapchuk, the head of the Ukrainian company-manufacturer Ratel, said this portal Defense Express. He stressed that Ukrainian works are more technological than Russian. However, the Russians have been working on new models and over the last few months the range of robots used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the battlefield has increased. In addition, the Russian Federation can start their mass production. "They will be one hundred percent large -scale.

They have more money and they will have much more robots. The story is generally repeated as it was with FPV," the developer said. Meanwhile, Ukrainian land robots are exchanging ideas and materials to improve their devices and produce more. Ratel drone manufacturer also actively works with the military, including training. Today, about 60 operators have been trained. A number of Ratel combat robots have already been operated.

According to Taras Ostapchuk, as different types of robotic platforms develop, it will be necessary to create separate companies for them. For example, these may be shock robots or drones. Taras Ostapchuk also commented on the capture of the Russians by Themis from Milrem Robotics, noting that the enemy could borrow except a construction. Russians are unlikely to "pull out" software and communication technologies. "They do not have access to NATO and European countries.

There will be something primitive from China," Taras Ostapchuk said. We will remind, earlier Taras Ostapchuk reported that four types of Ratel platforms were used on the front of the Armed Forces: Dron-Kamikadze, Evacuator, Logistics Dron and Dron for remote change. The company takes into account the reviews of the military and constantly improves its robots. For their part, experts pointed to a number of shortcomings of ground robotic platforms, including their vulnerability and cost production.