
China has created a powerful microwave: will collect drones, planes and satellites

Researchers say that their microwave gun generates a magnetic field, which is 68 thousand times higher than the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field. Scientists at the Northwestern Nuclear Technology Institute in Sian and the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing have developed a powerful microwave (HPM) with four compact and efficient Stirling engines.

These engines convert thermal energy to mechanical and can help the superconducting coil generate a magnetic field up to 4 T, SCMP reports. Researchers say that their microwave gun is powerful enough to suppress drones, military aircraft and even satellites. The publication writes that these weapons are the first in the world, based on the technology of the Stirling engine.

Such a power plant is able to generate a continuous, stable magnetic field, which is 68 thousand times higher than the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field, or shows 50% of the magnetic field tension of a large adrona collider. The weapons system is easily placed in a truck, distinguished by relatively low energy consumption, compared to similar installations.

According to preliminary tests, the cannon has only one fifth of energy required to operate a weapon of this type and can operate continuously for 4 hours. The installation is not affected by strong vibration, even when the truck moves at high speeds. The Stirling engine plays a key role in this weapon system. It is able, among other things, to remove heat so that the gun does not overheat.

Since the engine works on the principle of gas expansion at the expense of heat, it has a minimum number of moving elements, so it is quite compact, which is undoubtedly a plus. However, the Stirling engine has a disadvantage: the limit of its cooling is 40 degrees higher than absolute zero (absolute zero is -273. 15 in Celsius -ed. ), And low -temperature superconductors used to create strong magnetic fields, should work in the range 4 degrees higher than absolute zero.

Superconducting magnets use powerful electrical currents flowing through zero resistance coils to create magnetic fields. If the magnetic field is not strong enough, the quality of the electronic beam created by microwave will be bad and it will not be able to spread far. To solve this problem, a team of scientists used the latest superconducting tape to make coils.

This high -temperature super -conductive material of the second generation, known as Rebco, can reach zero resistance at temperatures from 40 to 50 degrees above absolute zero. In addition, this material, according to the media, "is the most productive and cheapest product in the world.

" Researchers combined this superconducting material with the Stirling engine to reach the temperature of 48 degrees above absolute zero, and created a magnetic field that exceeds 4 Tesla (1 Tesla (TL) - a unit of induction of a magnetic field equal to induction of such a homogeneous magnetic field , in which 1 meter of length of a direct conductor perpendicular to the magnetic induction vector, with a current of 1 ampere, a force 1 newton - ed. ).

At the same time, total energy consumption was reduced by 80% compared to similar technologies. The publication reminds that the second -generation consumers of high -temperature superconductors in China depended on foreign imports. In 2017, the annual capacity of the production of the superconducting tape was only a few tens of kilometers, and the quality of Chinese materials wanted better than the quality of US materials.

In 2018, the United States banned the export of Rebco and other advanced superconducting materials to the PRC. This ban provoked an increase in demand for Chinese suppliers, including Shanghai Superconductor. In less than 2 years, Shanghai Superconductor has exceeded the annual production capacity of 400 km of tape. Earlier, we wrote that the United States had tested the Chimera microwave weapons. Invisible energy flows disrupt electronics and so neutralize goals.