
Should be injured in the Russian Federation: what Ukraine suggested to unblock the border with Poland

According to the Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka, Ukrainian wheat is definitely not a major problem for Polish farmers who are now blocking the border. In the Ukrainian government, he agrees with restrictions on trade with the countries of the European Union, if it helps to resolve a dispute with neighboring Poland, whose farmers block border crossing points with Ukraine.

At the same time, the EU wants to forbid the Russians in Kiev to import their agricultural products, which they still supply to the Bloc countries through Belarus and the Baltic countries. The trade representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka said in an interview with Financial Times. "It is possible that a managed approach to trade flows between Ukraine and the EU is what we all need. As for wheat, Ukraine does not create problems for Polish farmers, but Russia," Duck explained.

According to him, official Kyiv supports new measures proposed by Brussels to introduce limits on the import of eggs, poultry and sugar from June. Also, the Ukrainian government does not mind that individual countries cease to receive domestic grain, but transit routes to other countries must operate. "We voluntarily stopped export of corn to all five neighboring EU Member States, but came to a new record-exported 15 million tons of corn in the calendar 2023.

That is, there is a great demand in other countries. Ukraine has filled the gaps in EU production," - he said. The duck also said that the blockade of checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border was organized by Moscow. Yes, the sales representative believes that Russia is involved in an attack on a train with Ukrainian grain, which was made by the Poles. Taras Kachka noted that it is the Russians "involved in cases of vandalism or sabotage, which can be considered as hostile to Ukraine as a whole.

" According to the Western Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, 56,000 people and 15,000 vehicles crossed the Western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in Chernivtsi region). 28,000 people left Ukraine from Ukraine, 16,000 of them crossed the border with Poland. The border guards also issued 99 trucks that transported humanitarian aid. Entry in Ukraine, according to the data on the site "Echerga", for permission to enter Ukraine should wait a whole month.