Only Thaad complexes: what is known about them is known
According to journalists, Patriot SCRs will not help to knock down Russian RS-26 Rubzh missiles because they were created to confront small range missiles. Ukrainian experts warn that only American Thaad complexes used to cover Israel can knock down Russian intercontinental PS-26 "Rubezh" missiles. The focus has collected data on the characteristics of these missiles. Patrioot will not help to knock down the RC-26 Rubzh missiles because they were created to confront small range missiles.
The American Anti -Pragket Complex of Taad Mobile Ground Base for High -Gingen Chop Medium -Range or Aviation Goals was developed to destroy short, medium -sized and intercontinental ballistic missiles. Thaad interceptors have no warheads, instead, the concept of the so -called. "kinetic interception. " These complexes are in service with the UAE, Israel, Romania and South Korea armies.