
Kaczynski suggested that Germany send Patriot to Ukraine, not to Poland

According to the head of the Polish ruling party "Law and Justice", the transfer of anti-missile defense systems to Ukraine would allow the enemy missiles more effectively than with the help of the C-300. The head of the Polish Party "Law and Justice" Yaroslav Kaczynski suggested Germany to send its anti-aircraft missile complexes not to Patrio not to Poland, but to Ukraine. The Polish politician said this in an interview with RA.

According to him, the transfer of missile defense systems in Kiev would be appropriate, provided that they would be placed in the western regions of Ukraine. "I note that I express my own, personal opinion, but I think that for the safety of Poland it would be better if Germany had given this weapons to Ukrainians, taught Ukrainian crews with the condition that the batteries will be placed in the west of Ukraine," Kaczynski commented.

The Polish politician suggested that this would allow the Ukrainian side to more effectively knock down missiles issued by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation than with the help of Soviet S-300 systems. "It probably would allow to knock down the hostile missiles more efficiently than the C-300," he said. Kaczynski believes that such a decision would allow Poland to protect itself from such events as in Pshevodov.

"At the same time, if the Russians decide to attack us, it will also be a protection," the politician added. He also stressed that such a decision would show that Germany really changes its attitude, and not simply "engaged in propaganda. " Recall that after the fall of the missiles in Pshevodov, Germany offered Poland Patriot. Berlin is ready to help neighbors protect the airspace with Eurofighter fighters and the missile defense system.