
The Russian Federation forms a new assault detachment near Sudzhi to knock the Armed Forces from the Kursk region (infographic)

On the basis of the newly created 44 Army Corps of Russia, a consolidated assault detachment is collected, which will consist of the assault mouth of different parts. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kursk region began to form a storm detachment in the area of ​​the city of Sudzha, the purpose of which is to knock out the Armed Forces from the Kursk region. This was reported in the investigative community of Evociation. info.

According to investigators, on the basis of the newly created 44th Army Corps Russia collects a consolidated assault detachment, which consists of assault mouths of different parts. The place of its location is determined by the village of the Great Soldier, which was 20 kilometers from Sudzhi.

The creation of a new unit is personally engaged in the Castle Commander-in-Chief of the North Troops, Lieutenant General Esedulla Abachev is expected to be completed by early October, and immediately after the racists plan to activate offensive actions in the Kursk region. "The 44th Army Corps at one time gathered not only from Russian citizens but also from migrants," the community noted.

Reference: Evocation project is the basis of Russian propagandists and occupation manuals based on volunteers. Here they publish information about the military criminals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with their residence addresses, family data, biographies. We will remind that paratroopers of the Armed Forces in Kursk region "poured" Russian "for". The enemy jumped on a fighting car with a landing in the village, knowing that he was controlled by the Ukrainian forces.