
Stop Supplies F-35 to US Army: Lockheed Martin offers an intermediate solution

The TR-3 technological update was so problematic that the Defense Ministry refused to receive new planes with such software. Because of this, made fighters stand in the Lockheed Martin warehouse. A multi-month delay with the supply of F-35 fighter jets may be completed soon. An aircraft with the incomplete version of the TR-3 software came into the air. About it reports Defense News. Last week, the F-35 aircraft with the previous version of the TR-3 renewal was risen at the airfield at the Fort Flow.

The F-35 joint program is considering allowing you to accept incomplete updates to stop a multi-month stopping of supply. However, the US Air Force told reporters that there is no decision to accept the F-35 with incomplete software. The first trials have currently have begun to accelerate the potential admission to the F-35. TR-3 or Technology Refresh is the name of the software and hardware series of the latest F-35. Upgrade contains improved displays, computer memory and computing.

TR-3 is required as a step to the large-scale modernization of Block 4. The latter will give the aircraft expansion of the arsenal of weapons, as well as improve the RB and recognition of targets. Due to the difficulties of integration of new TR-3 equipment and software problems, the military refused to accept the F-35 with this version. Initially, it was expected that the TR-3 renewal package would be reached on the aircraft in April, but now the deadlines can shift by June 2024.