
The defeat of Ukraine will be called to Europe "plague", because the Russian Federation is preparing for a total war - an expert

Military expert Hemish de Bretton-Gordon believes that terrorist groups of the Middle East are a threat, but they do not have the opportunities that are in Russia. First of all, it is about nuclear weapons. Despite the fighting in the Gaza sector, the war in Ukraine has a much greater impact on the fate of Europe. This was stated by a former UK Army officer, Military Expert Hemish de Bretton-Gordon in the column for The Telegraph.

According to him, terrorist groups of the Middle East are threatened, but they do not have the opportunities that are in Russia. First of all, it is about nuclear weapons. The article states that Russia moves before the "total war". The Kremlin is ready to throw their youth in a meat grinder in Ukraine. Moreover, Russian President Vladimir Putin does not lose "elections" in 2024. "Western weapons and ammunition reserves are exhausted and obviously overwhelmed in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Elections in the US and the United Kingdom may be fatal for the ongoing weapons," Hemish de Bretton-Gordon wrote. He noted that no one thought that in the 21st century, the pure number of soldiers would be of great importance. During the 20 months of the war in Ukraine, Russia has lost more than 300,000 soldiers. However, Putin is isolated from the political consequences of these losses.

Hemis de Bretton-Gordon believes that the event has to supply military equipment to Ukraine more actively, including fighters. "First of all, we need to realize in the West that the events in Europe will determine our fate to much more than events in the Eastern Mediterranean. We must provide everything we need to win," the expert said. Otherwise, according to Hemish de Bretton-Gordon, the possible defeat of Ukraine will be called to Europe "plague", which she has not seen since 1939.