
Putin has declared a nuclear weapons upgrade and the start of the serial issue of Circon missiles (video)

The President of the Russian Federation has informed that the other day, four TU-160m rocket launchers were allegedly transferred to the Russian Armed Forces. Also, he said, the release of high -precision means of damage, UAVs, tanks and air defense systems increased. The Russian Federation continues to ensure constant technical re -equipment and modernization of its army.

The share of modern weapons of Russia in strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95%, and the maritime component of the "nuclear triad" - almost 100%. This was stated by the president of the aggressor country Vladimir Putin in greetings of the Russians on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. According to Putin, in Russia, a serial release of new hypersonic missiles "Zircon" began, as well as the tests of other shock complexes.

In addition, the head of the Russian Federation reported that last year in December the naval fleet of Russia included new strategic submarines. Also, according to Putin, the days in Kazan were allegedly transferred to the Russian Armed Forces. "In general purpose, we will also strive for the highest indicators of equipment with modern weapons and equipment. Such work, I repeat, goes systematically and consistently," Putin says.

He also added that in recent years the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of the Russian Federation have multiplied the issue and supply to the troops of Russia "most sought after weapons". According to Putin, it is about precision means of defeat and drones of different types, as well as tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, air defense systems, counter -banking struggle, communications and intelligence.

"The country, all Russian citizens believe in the power and reliability of their defenders and know that you are always in the post, always in the interests and security of the Fatherland," Putin added. We will remind, on February 21 it was reported that Russia can run nuclear weapons into space as early as 2024.

According to current estimates, Moscow does not plan to undermine any orbital weapons, but there is a risk of an accident, and a nuclear explosion can potentially affect about a third of satellites and damage the communication systems on Earth. On February 16, US President Joe Biden instructed the White House administration to start direct negotiations with Russia on the test of deadly weapons in space.