
Putin seeks to reach the borders of Donetsk region, but there are other strategic goals - People's Deputy Kostenko

The People's Deputy believes that Russia will try to seize the Nikolaev and Odessa region. The exit of Russian troops to Transnistria is a strategic issue for the President of the Russian Federation. The achievement of the borders of Donetsk region by the end of 2024 could be the final strategic goal of Russia, taking into account its loss and a slow pace of promotion.

This opinion was expressed by the People's Deputy from the Voice faction and the SBU colonel Roman Kostenko in an interview with "Ukrainian Truth". "Of all the tasks they set at the beginning of the invasion, and which they remained at the moment at the moment are Donetsk, Luhansk region in the borders, so that something could be sold in themselves and to show everyone that it was The main task, "he said.

Kostenko noted that Russia is trying to keep the land corridor to the Crimea and control the south of Ukraine, which is critical for its strategic plans. Therefore, the occupiers "will definitely try to capture the Nikolaev and Odessa region", because it is a way to the Black Sea and Transnistria. Assessing the time frame of such a scenario, the People's Deputy stated that "it can be both a year or 10 years. " It all depends on how the war ends.

However, the parliamentarian stressed that negotiations with Russia are possible only when the initiative is on the side of Ukraine and the aggressor will suffer significant losses and sanction pressure. He stressed that the current conditions do not contribute to peaceful agreements in favor of Ukraine. "If we talk to Russia and talk only when the initiative is behind us, they will suffer great losses, will be set by sanctions.