
"This is nonsense": Andryushchenko told how the Russians try to strengthen Mariupol (video)

According to the mayor advisor, the main task of the lines of defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is not to protect Mariupol itself. The Russians erect additional fortifications so that in the event of a breakthrough from the coal and childbirth, protect the corridor to the Crimea. The invaders are aware that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will continue to succeed at the front and expand their positions. Therefore, they have already started active preparation for this event.

In particular, the Russians carry out fortifications in temporarily occupied Mariupol and neighboring settlements. The adviser to the mayor Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko told about it. The invaders are erecting additional fortifications near Mariupol, but in the city itself there are no such structures. They are also currently completing the construction of several bridges across the Kalchik and Kalmius rivers.

"They just covered the river with a slag, even along the bottom stretched a prickly wire. This is some senselessness there. Not to mention the replacement of bridges where civilian cars go today," Petro Andryushchenko said. Near this city, Russian citizens are actually completing the fortification work. Currently, they focus on the establishment of lines of defense extended from the village of Mykilsk towards the village of Starodubivka and to Rosivka, which is already in the Zaporozhye region.

"The main task of these defense lines is no longer Mariupol. They are in order to break the front along the line of coal and childbirth, not to allow the forces of defense to cut the" umbilical cord " - an expensive life to the Crimea," Andryushchenko said. This road connects the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula and Russia. This part was powerfully strengthened to complicate the exit of the Armed Forces to the Azov coast.

We will remind, on September 17 military expert Vladislav Seleznev stated that the Russian military moved four airborne divisions in the Tokmak district of Zaporizhzhya region. He believes that the enemy accumulates reserves not only to counteract the Ukrainian counter -offensive, but also for his future attacks. In addition, Russia is moving new units from the 25th Army, which have not even passed the stage of combat coordination.