
15 cases per year: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation systematically shoot Ukrainian prisoners of war - CNN

Within 10 months, the military of the Armed Forces recorded 15 shootings of prisoners of war committed by the Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, journalists told. Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of such cases, there have been 28, and nearly 70 fighters were victims. The Russian command orders the military of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation not to capture Ukrainians and be merciless.

The Office of the Prosecutor General and the UN investigate such cases and speak of deliberate crimes against the humanity that the Kremlin authorizes. The military crimes committed by the Russians on the front line were told on the CNN portal. Journalists received two videos provided to them by an unnamed Ukrainian official and the military. The video contained two cases where the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were shot dead by Ukrainian-war.

In both cases, you can see the fighters of defense forces, who without weapons come out of shelters (armor or trench), raise their hands, put them behind their heads. They are then forced to kneel or push to the ground. Then the Russians shoot and the last frames show bodies. Focus does not publish a video for ethical reasons. The article states that the events occurred in May under a robot in the Zaporozhye region and at the end of August in the Pokrovsky direction in the Donbass.

The CNN source reported that the military has other videos or audiodiocases of Russian crimes: they have not yet been made public. From November 2023 to the present, 15 prisoners of war were calculated. Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin told reporters that 28 such incidents were investigated, who died 68 defense fighters. At the same time, he emphasized that people clearly were captured, had no weapons, but the Russians did not pay attention to it.

In his opinion, such crimes are deliberately committed in accordance with the orders of the Russian authorities and the direct orders of commanders. "These murders with war crimes and part of the Kremlin's organized policy. Such a policy can be attributed to crimes against humanity," the journalists of the word Kostin. CNN also talked with the UN representative. The unnamed interlocutor reported that the organization was investigating the "obvious executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

" They will see in such actions the Russians are a pattern that indicates the pleasure of such actions or the order of mercy. "Murder is separately war crimes. And together they can commit crimes against humanity," the UN representatives summed up a conversation about shootings. Earlier, Focus wrote about cases of executions of prisoners of war. In August, the military with the call sign "Alex" told about it.

According to him, the event happened in the Toretsky direction: the Ukrainians left the basement of the house and after that shots were fired. In April, there was a shooting in the Krynki: the Office of the Prosecutor General assured that the investigation had begun. In addition, the representative of the department said that in recent months such executions have increased "geometric progression".