
Russian UAV manufacturer receives satellite services from the US company - media (photo, video)

Investigators found that the office of the American company Iridium is still working in Moscow. According to the NAPC, the branch has current contracts for the supply of satellite communication services for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The US company Iridium provides services for navigation of the company of the Russian military-industrial complex "Afm servers". This is stated in the Trap Aggressor investigation of September 28.

The investigation authors published a video where AFM-Servers co-owner presents a new UAV modification with PTERO system. He notes that the drone can perform its tasks exclusively through the navigation system of the American company Iridium. Investigators also found that the Iridium office is still working in a regular mode in the Russian capital.

According to the National Anti -Corruption Agency, the Moscow Branch of the US company has current contracts for the supply of satellite communication services for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is also reported that in 2015-2022, the Russian company "Iridium Communichenceshence" directly purchased products from the American company Iridium Satellite.

At the same time, in 2023, "Iridium Communichenceshence," supplied the machine for receiving, transforming voice and images of the brand "Iridium", but from unknown suppliers. According to investigators, the company "Afm-servers" directly promotes military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and systematically cooperates with the FSB of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2013-2015, the company concluded contracts for almost 100 million rubles with the FSB unit engaged in logistics.

At the same time, "Afm servers" came under sanctions only in July 2023. Ukraine was the only country that entered the company on the sanction list. We will remind, on March 3 the press service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the Ukrainian military was knocked down by the Russian drone "Cartographer", which is used by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.