
"Dangerous History": Andryushchenko told how Russians can use the port in Mariupol

According to the mayor of Mariupol mayor, the enemy can prepare the captured territory for large navigation. At the same time, Andryushchenko believes that this infrastructure is dangerous for Russians, including civilians. In June of this year, four cases were recorded when tankers with petroleum products were noticed in the port of the temporarily occupied Mariupol of Donetsk region.

The mayor adviser Petro Andryushchenko in a comment "Channel 24" told how the enemy can use this infrastructure in the captured territory. According to him, there are large tanks near the berths, where the tankers are moored. The enemy repaired them after the defeat and turned into an oil storage facility. It works mainly Russians, so it is very difficult to find out what is happening inside.

The mayor of Mariupol added that the Russians pulled the pipeline to the pier and with his help unload the tankers. Each has about a thousand tons. In addition, another vessel has been recorded recently, which occasionally enters the port in the occupied territory and studies the situation. This may indicate that the Russians prepare him for great navigation. "In the current conditions, it makes no sense to keep fuel in such a large quantity. It means that it is stored for some other need.

Perhaps for the distribution of fuel after Ukraine has struck their oil depots, or for refueling of" caliber "carriers, military equipment or Railways, " - said Petro Andryushchenko. The mayor of Mariupol also stated that it is a city in Donetsk region, which is illegally captured by the occupiers, is not a safe place for the enemy. "Mariupol port is not a safe place to store fuel there. It is a very dangerous story, including civilians.

The Russians understand it," - summed up Petro Andryushchenko. We will remind, on July 1 it was reported that in Mariupol noticed a column of trucks with wounded occupiers. In the center of the city, Kamaz was noticed and three "Urals", which were killed by the wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. There was a car inspection machine at the head of the column, and closed their ambulance with military numbers, the participants of the guerrilla movement "Atesh" reported.