
In the Russian Museum of Memory of Victims of Stalin's Repression, a bust of the USSR leader (photo) was installed

Employees of the complex dedicated to the victims of Soviet repression do not consider the decision to establish busts of their organizers inappropriate. According to them, Stalin is not worshiped. In the Russian Federation in the Tver Memorial Complex "Copper", dedicated to the Soviet repression of the 20-50s and the memory of the Poles who died in 1939, the busts of the USSR leaders. This was reported by Sota in Telegram.

"In the Tver Memorial Complex" Copper ", dedicated to the repression of the 20-50s and the memory of the captured Poles killed in 1939, the busts of Stalin, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and other organizers of repression were installed," the message said. The publication noted that the memorial contains a cemetery, burial of Polish prisoners of war and stands with information about victims of repression.

The museum also tells the stories of political prisoners rehabilitated after Stalin's death, in particular showing the objects of their construction, letters and death certificates. On the territory of the complex installed busts of organizers of repression near the monuments to their victims. Instead, this decision does not seem inappropriate for the museum, as it is "just part of history. " According to them, the absence of flowers near the new exposition indicates that Stalin is not worshiped.

The publication with reference to data from the official site of the memorial complex stressed that the installation with busts would be supplemented. We will remind, on August 18 it became known that in the Pskov region of the Russian Federation opened and consecrated a new monument of Joseph Stalin. The sculpture of the USSR leader is eight -meter, made in 2020 for "folk money".

Father Anthony, who consecrated the sculpture, stated that during the reign of Stalin there were repression against the priests, but "therefore there are now many new martyrs and confessors. " In April, the State Duma deputy from the Party "Unified Russia" Andriy Gurulev advocated the return to the legislation the concept of "enemy of the people", which was used during Stalin's repression in the 30-40s.