
Tuberculosis, Hepatitis C and HIV: Medicine told how Ukraine saves occupiers on the battlefield (video)

According to Dr. Anastasia Muzea, if the wounded Russian is in a critical condition, he will first be taken to a stabilization point and assisted, and then will be questioned. The military physician of the International Legion of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Anastasia Muzey recalls how she first provided assistance to the Russian prisoner and what they tell at interrogations. She told this in an interview with TSN. ua.

The girl remembers that the first meeting with the Russian prisoners, which was injured by her own artillery, took place in the Luhansk region. "It (were. - Ed. ) The first Russians I met. That is, I never saw them before. There was such a mission, they broke through, our group surrounded them, one wounded died right away. And he was wounded from her artillery, which began very strongly on the Russian side of his boys so that they cannot reach, "Anastasia recalls.

She notes that they were warned: first aid should be provided, check that there are no massive bleeding, and report if these Russian prisoners can be questioned. "Because if someone was critically wounded, he would be taken to a stabilization point at first and assisted there," the medicine added. Anastasia tells how their brigade was waiting for our boys, who came just happy, because they brought out "new AK-12-they can be fired as a queue of three to four cartridges.

" Ukrainian fighters brought the captive-a fighter of the Storm-Z detachment, who needed to be rescued. But then Anastasia did not know yet that you need to beware of such prison disease as tuberculosis. "Then I learned a lot of stories about how our military suffering from tuberculosis because they had contact with the Russians with this ailment. I didn't know about it at the time, I was without a mask. But we were in gloves," - She notes.

The main thing that mention the captives of the Russian Federation is its poor life and their own crimes. As Anastasia remembers that situation, the main interrogation was conducted by the commander, and she simply could not hold back anger in order not to hit this killer. "He spoke such nonsense. It was a" Storm-Z Storm-Z ", he was in prison, killed a woman to steal her wallet. He told that they lived very poorly.

They were not taken away, they were taken away from them and Documents, " - says the medicine. Anastasia does not know whether the story that this militant told, but he assured that they were brought and said they would defend something. And then they gave the command to go and storm. "The commander killed the former, they did not know what to do and just went to be captured. But this is true.