
Left without Patriot and F-35: Turkey began to build the first domestic TF-2000 aircraft

According to journalists, the warship will be equipped with anti -aircraft missiles SIPER, HISAR and anti -ship ATMACA. The new vessel will be the carrier of the Winged GEZGIN rocket for long offensive operations. Turkey has officially started construction of its first domestic aircraft aircraft-TF-2000. The ship is designated by the Navy by the Navy, the project is managed by Asfat. Army recognition writes about it.

The ship is built on the Istanbul Naval Ship, a historical facility known for its advanced shipbuilding capabilities. The TF-2000 will serve as a key platform for regional anti-air defense with advanced sensory systems. Among other things, ASELSAN - this radar system will provide observation within a radius of 300 km. The warship is also planned to be equipped with powerful weapons, including SIPER and HISAR anti -aircraft missiles, as well as anti -ship ATMACA.

Among other things, this ship will be the carrier of the Winged GEZGIN rocket designed for long -distance offensive operations. The length of the new ship is 149 meters, the watertone - 8300 tons. TF-2000 can develop a speed of more than 26 knots (48 km/h). The vessel has powerful pro -duty capabilities, its design integrated hydroacoustic systems and anti -body protection. Turkey's attention to modern air defense is due to a number of factors.

The geographical location of the country in the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas can be associated with geopolitical tension. These waters are adjacent to conflicts and controversial regions and can be exposed to Turkish Navy on various air threats, including potential missile and unmanned attacks.

Among other things, a broad defensive strategy of Turkey is increasingly focused on self-sufficiency against external supply vulnerators-restrictions on the purchase of systems such as American Patriot, and the consequences of the purchase of the Russian C-400 air defense system (afterwards Washington excluded Istanbul from the list of partners of the Nutual Program. F-35).