
Better than a deal with Putin: how allies can deny Trump from peace talks - the media

The journalists called the probable agreement "bad", but the best alternative is an agreement with the Kremlin. It is expected that the Republican will make several requirements partners. US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is openly in favor of peace talks to complete the war in Ukraine. Its allies consider China more important threat and stand for resources there. This is stated in Politico, published on July 29.

Trump's idea of ​​a peaceful agreement is concerned, as it may mean that the Russian Federation will retain captured territories. In the event of a republican return to the UK's White House and NATO European members will have to be elected. The choice will be to accept the conditions in favor of Russia or to support Kiev in rejection of the agreement and the continuation of the war. In the second case, Trump will have levers of influence to interfere with disagreement.

"The crisis in this regard will divide and weaken NATO - to such a level when some allies can abandon confrontation with Russian President Vladimir Putin and stop Ukraine's support," - predicted in the publication. It is expected that even in the case of losing Trump, the threat from China can "squeeze" funding for assistance to Ukraine by the United States. Then Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be forced to rely on Europe or G7 loans, which will cover income from frozen Russian assets.

The media suggested that a ban on the use of weapons for blows to the territory of the Russian Federation may be part of the price for the consent of Trump. At the same time, exceptions will not exclude for some purposes. "But the fact remains: in the face of Putin's threats, which has nuclear weapons, European allies will feel safe by posting Ukraine only if Trump is met by the United States to NATO," the article said.

In addition, Trump may require European countries to make more efforts to protect. The promises of increasing defense costs may become part of any support agreement on Ukraine. The publication predicted that the Allies will be able to invent a formula that would staged Trump on refusing a peace agreement and continuing military assistance. "This formula Zelensky, of course, would not like it.

But at least a bad deal with Trump can postpone the worse agreement with Putin," the journalists emphasized. Recall that The Wall Street Journal reported that Donald Trump could choose a continuation of assistance to Ukraine. The probable plan of the Republican may provide for real sanctions against the Russian Federation and the Land League program for Ukraine. On July 20, Trump spoke with the phone with Vladimir Zelensky.