
To promote Trump, to weaken Ukraine. As the Kremlin pulls for the threads to bring to power the right President of the United States

Russia really wants to bring the right president to power in the US to complicate Ukraine's life, writes analyst Yuri Bogdanov. But this time he does more sophisticated than before - even American intelligence notes. Russian intervention in the US election: more sophisticated than before, against Ukraine and Trump - intelligence data. WP has made a parse of Russia's attempts to intervene in US elections based on US intelligence data.

The representative of the office of the director of national intelligence (hereinafter - ODNI) spent a briefing, where he spoke on the conditions of anonymity in accordance with the rules established by the agency. Here's your theses. Intelligence states that the secret attempts of the Russian government to influence the 2024 presidential election are more advanced than before, and is the most active external threat to this political season.

Intelligence states the use of "US authentic votes" for the "laundering" of the Russian government, propaganda and distribution of narratives that intensify discord in American society. The Russians actively use the main social media, as well as fictitious websites that are published for legitimate American media organizations.

Moscow is focused, in particular, the US changing states and uses artificial intelligence for faster and more convincing creation of fake content to form a result in favor of former President Donald Trump. This, convinced of the ODNI, "corresponds to the broader foreign policy goals of Moscow to weaken the United States and undermine Ukraine's support by Washington.

" China, for its part, does not try to influence the presidential races secretly, but he seeks to do so at the state and regional level politically, officials said, citing similarity with Beijing's efforts in the intermediate elections of 2022. Iran, on the contrary, works against Trump. Odni officials have first acknowledged that Iran's government is not only a break in Trump campaign, discovered last month, but also by the leakage of internal documents.

The person who used the AOL email and the name "Robert" sent documents to the media, including The Washington Post. The US media have refused to publish drainage data. This week, the US government has announced a wide set of measures to counteract Russian influence, including the accusations of two Russian employees of the State News Site for paying the American media company for the spread of English -language videos on YouTube and Tiktok. , Instagram and X.

The prosecutor's office also confiscated 32 Russian-controlled Internet domains that were used to undermine Ukraine's international support. In addition, the Ministry of Finance and the State Department have announced sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities, which are accused of propaganda. Americans are more likely to believe the views of other Americans than content with clear signs of foreign propaganda.

Therefore, RT cultivated networks to spread narratives, friendly to Moscow, trying to mask content at the same time as the true freedom of Americans. The Russians also use the artificial intelligence "for faster and more convincing creation of synthetic content", hiring companies in the field of digital marketing and PR to promote their narratives. Among the bloggers, the Russians most actively work with conservative YouTubers (for example, Matt Christiansen).

However, he insists that in his speeches he has never been influenced by Russians and only promoted the values ​​that reach the time of the founding of America. "I think if it coincides with Putin, I was deceived," Christiansen said. . If during the 2016 campaign, Yevgeny Prigogine and Margarita Simonyan were the main responsible, then the operation is controlled directly from the Kremlin.

The Washington Post found in April 2023 that Kiriyenko was running a network that contributed to Russia's interests and undermined Ukraine's support in Europe. In April this year, The Post revealed that he was engaged in undermining Ukraine's support in the United States, and he also tried to sow fear of the safety of US borders and ignite economic and racial tensions. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.