
Artificial experts that cost millions: how many military pilots have lost Russia in Ukraine

This year, Russia has lost at least 62 military pilots, including Colonel Vitaliy Tabachnikov, who controlled KA-52 helicopter, and a helicopter commander, Major Grigory Azanov. During the full -scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, at least 216 pilots lost. This is stated in a study conducted by the Russian Air Force Service together with the media.

Thus, the journalists have been able to establish the names of 45 123 Russian soldiers who died in the war in Ukraine since February 2022. Of these, at least 6614 are the deaths from October 2023 to February 2024, that is, during the period when the Russian units advanced near Avdiivka and in the neighboring areas of Donetsk region.

From the analysis of obituaries, it follows that the main load during the assault of Avdiivka fell on people who got to the army "from the citizen": prisoners of Russian colonies, volunteers and mobilized. One of the important reasons for the success of Russia's defensive actions is the preference of air. But this advantage is not easy.

"This year, Russia has lost at least 62 military pilots, including Colonel Vitaliy Tabachnikov, who operated the KA-52 helicopter, and the commander of the helicopter link, Major Grigory Azanov. Only on the first day of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, Russian aviation suffered one -time loss, "the study said. It is noted that since the beginning of the war, Russia has lost at least 216 military pilots.

These are artificial experts, each of them takes at least six years and more than $ 3 million. The study reports that the general journalists of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2023 were 27,906, which is 57% more than confirmed losses for the first year of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine (16 044 persons).

In the first year of the war of paratroopers and special forces, the military command of the Russian Federation is now trying to protect and use them to maintain positions and sniper operations. Valuable experts are now sent on the offensive only if there are favorable conditions, experts say. A typical soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2023, killed in Ukraine, is a 34-year-old prisoner who went to the front directly from the colony.

And if in 2022 most convicts were recruited by the Wagner Group, then from February 2023 the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has been engaged in a set. It should be reminded that the body of the dead pilot of the Russian Federation, whose fighter was shot down under Mariupol, was found in the Azov Sea. He froze. Recall that on Saturday, February 17, three enemy aircraft were destroyed at the East Air Command "East": two Su-34 and one SU-35.