
From threats to the case: the media found out that Putin's new nuclear doctrine

According to Western experts, the new doctrine does not reduce the threshold of nuclear missiles. At the same time, the concept of preventive response has been expanded: Russian troops can attack mass damage to a weapon to prevent a large -scale attack from the air. On September 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to review the nuclear doctrine.

This decision is a really new step in confrontation with Ukraine, since earlier the Kremlin's head was limited to declarative threats, writers of the French newspaper Le Monde write. "For changes to the doctrine, they must be approved by the Presidential Decree. The document does not yet provide a reduction in the threshold of nuclear weapons," said Eloise Filaise French Institute of International Relations (IFRI).

On the other hand, the conditions of use for preventive response to the threat have been expanded, earlier, during the definition of these thresholds, only the threat of ballistic missiles, not a potential large -scale air attack, added. The publication emphasizes the facts of constant blows in Russia: the aggressor reports almost daily of the destruction of tens and hundreds of drones in the regions. At the same time, Putin declared a few days after a series of devastating attacks on Moscow.

Putin's position was likely to be influenced by the failure of the test of a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat" at the Plesetsk landfill. This rocket has often praised Putin as a key component in the modernization of the Russian arsenal, the newspaper indicates. Polish President Andrzej Duda previously warned Putin and his generals about the "curse" after the use of nuclear weapons. The Polish leader is convinced that the world will not forgive Putin such a step.