
The revenge of Russia for Africa: why Macron wants to introduce troops to Ukraine and how far goes

On March 7, French President Emmanuel Macron plans to meet with the leaders of the parties presented in Parliament, dedicated to the "situation in Ukraine". Paris assumes the possibility of introducing his troops into the country and talks about strengthening security guarantees. Usually, Paris was more cautious in the statements, trying to even play the role of peacemaker and traditionally loyal Russia.

France is more radical and what the results should be expected to be expected to expect Ukraine. On March 7, French President Emmanuel Macron plans to meet with party leaders presented in Parliament, dedicated to the "situation in Ukraine" - the Elisha Palace has already sent an invitation. The details of the meeting are not announced, but it will probably relate to future parliamentary debates about the cooperation of Ukraine and France in the field of security.

Experts think that the French president seeks to enlist wide support for all political parties in parliament, not to make difficult decisions individually. He understands that he will hear criticism from the extreme right Marin Le Pen, but I am sure to support his course in parliament.

"Macron realized: no country, when it is alone, can effectively withstand Putin's expansion in Europe, so he quickly and promptly gathered a forum for about 20 chapters of state and governments," says focus expert in international, former director of the European and European and European Coordinating Bureau. The Euro -Atlantic Integration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Vadim Trukhan. - In addition, France tries to play a leading role for Europeans to take an example from it.

" Truhan recalls a meeting that the French president initiated in Paris at the end of February. It was organized in a very short time, but it was possible to ensure the presence of all major coalition member countries. They agreed to create a coalition of long -range destruction for Ukraine, within which it is planned to supply medium and long range missiles, as well as bombs. Then Macron allowed the departure of Western troops to Ukraine. Not now, but in the future.

Although he stressed that there is no consensus among allies in this matter. "Many people who say today:" Never, "were the same people who said two years ago:" No tanks, no planes, no rockets of a long range of action, "Macron explained. And added," Let's have humility To admit that we often lagged behind the schedule for six to twelve months. This was the purpose of today's discussion: everything is possible if it is useful to achieve our goal. "Until now France's forces.

The leader of Krynylny Jean-Luke Melanshon called such a decision "unconditional", the chairman of the socialist party Olivier Fork noted that the president was "playing with fire. " "and" took another step to war, threatened the life of 70 million French and above all our armed forces already placed in Eastern Europe. "Le Pen reacted to these words by Len Pen during a meeting of Parliament.

"Two years ago, her party advocated a military alliance with Russia," adding the phrase: "The question is whether Putin's troops are already in France? I talk about you and your associates. "Macron did not receive support of his idea of ​​attracting troops and from allies. USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Even Poland announced that they do not consider involving their soldiers in military action in Ukraine.

The same thing NATO Stoltenberg's Secretary General Secretary General - he rejected the opportunity to direct the military into the territory of Ukraine. Macron and Moscow's words were touched. nervous, ”Truhan evaluates. - Putin even mentioned in his address to the Federal Assembly, not calling the name of Macron, saying that if European soldiers are on Russian land, they will use nuclear weapons. However, it is unknown what land he meant. But he threatened everyone.

It is important for us not to be left alone with Putin and not to be cleaned. If you are Europeans next to us, and God forbid, after being able to get an understanding in Congress and again the Americans will return to the big game, we will have a chance to win. " .

The French leader said he plans to hold a debate in the National Assembly and the vote on a military agreement with Ukraine, which was signed two weeks ago, and his position on the possibility of introducing Western troops into Ukraine is weighted and thoughtful. France has recently expressed a proactive position as much as ever. Ukraine, although it has recently doubted.

"You can see the reversal of all French politics now," - says Focus President of the Center of Globalism Center "XXI" Mikhail Gonchar. He cites several main reasons for the change of rhetoric. Europe. And given what is happening in the United States, the internal immersion and the internal context, in the Hease Palace, they decided that there was a unique window of France's opportunities to declare its leadership positions to mobilize Europe in defense against Russian aggression.

And this is against the backdrop of what the US is losing its role as a leading Western leader, "says Mikhail Gonchar. " We can talk about a lack of leadership in the world. After a rather unexpected internal political crisis has occurred in the United States, through which Ukraine was delayed, someone had to replace the US efforts with respect to the confrontation between authoritarianism, - Vadim Tyhan commented.

- Given the threat of Trump, who has repeatedly declared his intentions not to defend those European states that cannot protect their safety, go out of NATO, many began to think, and what further and how to protect themselves. Therefore, the French leader felt that France, not just Germany, could play to support with other states. " It is on its second presidential term. Then he will not have the right to run.

So he needs to think, and what, as the political force he created, will continue to remain in power, who will be a successor. He has not made a rather serious change in the government, appointed a rather young and ambitious Gabriel Attal (34 years) to the post of Prime Minister, who has every chance to become a political plan for Macron's successor. He even allowed himself, during the controversy in the French Parliament, to blame Le Pen, with whom he had a discussion.

This has caused shock because the direct accusations were taboo, "Vadim Truhan adds. But in general we can say that help Ukraine is increasingly politicized in both the US and in Europe to get dividends and the" domestic market.

" Divide politicians into two camps: some advocate for the maximum support of Ukraine, with the provision of long -range weapons and the likely sending of troops, some tries to avoid the involvement in the war in every possible way, and concentrates on providing, say, humanitarian assistance. And this discussion occurs on the background The Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, where they come to power.

And the Marin Le Pen Party is no longer a marginal force that was ten years ago, but one that unites the right ones around them, its ratings grow. So in the next election it can To defeat liberals such as the current Prime Minister of France. But let us return to the idea of ​​sending European countries to Ukraine. Only a mention of this for Ukraine is a success, even if it is about placing them on the border with the EU, near Belarus. Definitely, this decision has support among Ukrainians.

After the start of the full -scale invasion of Ukraine's accession to NATO, most Ukrainians allow the placement of a foreign contingent in our territory. However, the army of any NATO country is only plans. The Alliance does not support the idea, so the exit in the conclusion of bilateral agreements. In his telegram-channel, ex-foreign affairs Pavel Klimkin noted that certain conditions are necessary to realize this idea.

In particular, the sustainable ceasefire and coordination of all actions with allies on the occupied territories, which will mean further resolution of the conflict only political. "If this decision is made and implemented in full de -occupation, it will create an almost classic" Korean "scenario with the presence of forces on both sides," he said.

It is a scenario of the Korean War of 1950-1953 and the interference with the United States and the coalition they created, which had a mandate of the UN. This coalition saved South Korea. However, after fixing the front line about the victory no longer was discussed, the division of the peninsula took place, in the southern part of the United States left their contingent.

South Korea's leadership was against such a truce, but the event insisted, using financial levers and the possibility of military support. In the end, the peace agreement was never signed. "France's capabilities are not infinite. We have seen in the Security Cooperation Agreement concluded between Ukraine and France in Paris that France aimed at a point of 3 billion euros as a volume of military assistance. While Germany took a bar More than 6 billion euros, ”says Vadim Truhan.

He says that it concerns the likely direction of troops - there is no question of any land buildings and brigades that will be immediately thrown into battle. "In fact, President Macron has started a discussion within the European continent, regarding the conditions under which Europeans will have to go to direct clashes and fight with Russia. He said what they have been thinking for many years," he adds.

For Ukraine, on the one hand, such a discussion is a good signal because the war on the agenda. On the other hand, it does not mean that tomorrow the French, or the soldiers of other nations will stand next to ours. Maximum - the governments of European states will encourage their citizens to join in a foreign legion, created from the first weeks of a full -scale invasion of Russia in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, "Truhan thinks. Mikhail Gonchar suggests that France can, say. .