
Baltops 24 in the Baltic Sea: NATO begins a maritime battle against Russia, compare the forces

Russia threatens to expand territorial waters near the borders of Lithuania and Finland. NATO is preparing the largest in the history of study in the Baltic Sea: about 9,000 soldiers and 50 warships will work out protective maneuvers. The focus found out the potential of the Western and Russian Navy and presented possible scenarios of battles on the water. The NATO Bloc's military leadership will conduct large -scale Baltops 24 exercises in the Baltic Sea.

The active phase of maneuvers that will be the largest in history will begin from June 7 to June 20. The North Atlantic Alliance involves 9,000 soldiers, 50 warships and 80 aircraft. Sweden and Finland will join Baltops for the first time as members of the military bloc. Danish and German ships arrived in the Port city of Klaipeda, NATO will demonstrate the unity and determination to repel the aggressor, the Lithuanian broadcaster LRT reports.

"In recent weeks, Russia has been actively declaring borders in the Baltic region. NATO current training will give us answers to everything, including increased risk for underwater infrastructure," said Lithuanian Naval Forces Commander Gedrus Predenetsk. The NATO block and the naval forces of the participating countries do not publish details about the types of warships that will join Baltops 24.

Open sources are known that the largest ship in the Baltic Sea will be the US USS New York about 210 meters long. Interesting detail-the USS New York Corps is made of melted steel twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Shipbuilders etched the memory of the tragedy-a terrorist attack on September 11, 2009, arranged by fighters of the Islamist Al-Qaeda group. Lithuanian naval forces have strengthened their fleet and are preparing to present a powerful zebas boat at the training.

The vessel is intended for patrolling, protection, intelligence and support of diving work. The tactical stage of the exercises will be joined by two more guard ships of the Navy of Lithuania Skalvis and Aukstaitis. The United States has the most powerful and largest stock of warships. It is obvious that NATO's naval resources are incomparable with Russia, explains the focus of the reserve colonel, an expector of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznev.

In Russia, there is only one load-bearing ticket, the flagship of the Naval Fleet "Admiral Kuznetsov". The ship is constantly being repaired at the 35th Shipying Plant in Murmansk. He was promised to pass the Navy in late 2024. The United States owns 11 aircraft carriers: ten of them-Nimitz class, considered the largest in the world, and one-class Gerald R. Ford, named after the 38th President of the United States Garelda Ford (held the post of head of states from 1974 to 1977,- . ).

Also, the Arleigh Burke class with the AEGIS combat system and radar An/Spy-1d (V) are also in service with the US fleet. Thanks to advanced technologies, ships can simultaneously track and affect hundreds of goals. On board there are systems of vertical start-up MK 41 VLS for Tomahawk, SM-2/3/6 and protical RUM-139 ASROC missiles. The second place by the number of aircraft carriers is divided by Italy and Spain, followed by China.

According to Seleznov, the northern military resources of Russia are not spent on the intended invasion of the Kharkiv region "Leningrad Military District created to threaten the Army of Finland, but its units for some reason found themselves in Belgorod and Kursk regions. They do not return, "the expert said. The potential scenarios of NATO and Russia's maritime battles should not be considered in terms of classical confrontation on the water.

In the 21st century, the methods of fighting have changed, aviation and coastal missile complexes will come to the aid of the fleet, says Maxim Palamarchuk, a military expert of the National Institute for Strategic Studies. The Baltic Sea is not intended for large -scale battles, it "clamped" between seven European countries and has actually turned into a NATO inland. Russia has a small exit to the sea, which is covered by Finland and Estonia.

At the end of May 2024, the Russian authorities proposed unilaterally expanding the territorial waters of the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea next to the Lithuanian and Finnish borders. The Ministry of Defense's initiative was about Russia's intention to declare its inland waters part of the water area in the east of the Gulf of Finland and near the Baltic and Zelenograd cities in the Kaliningrad region.

The Baltic Fleet of Russia is almost useless, as the Baltic countries are armed with anti -ship missiles Blue Spear and NSM with infrared guidance and range of targets of about 300 kilometers. This will be enough for the destruction of ships, given the geography of the eastern Baltic Sea, says Palamarchuk. The flagship of the Baltic Fleet of Russia is considered to be the destroyer of the project 956 "Infused". The ship was laid in 1988 at the AA Zhdanov plant №190 in St.

Petersburg and laid on the water in 1990. "Infused" armed with two paired artillery installations AK-130/54, six-barrel artillery AK-630, triggery installations of anti-ship winged rockets P-270 "Moskit", two SPRs "Hurricane", two six-haired rocket-shaped bombing bombing units. apparatus. On board the vessel is one helicopter Ka-27. The other main ship is the multi -purpose corvette "Storegushny", laid on the water on May 16, 2006 and introduced into the Baltic Fleet on February 28, 2008.

The corvette has a torpedo complex "Package", which provides anti -convertible protection. The ship is also based on the Ka-27 and artillery installation of the A190 "Universal" capable of striking marine coastal and air targets. "The potential of the Russian Fleet in the Baltic States is designed to support regional battles along the shores with northern Europe.

Pacific and Northern Fleets are much stronger, they are part of marine strategic nuclear forces and are in constant readiness in the interests of nuclear restraint," - comments. Russia's attack on Western countries, according to the expert, can start from the sea, but from the strikes of long -range missiles for military purposes. The 19th century naval battles of the first and Second World Wars with cannon shelling of ships went history.

Separate ships and submarines can stand in harbor to release missiles by aerodromes and other ships, summarizes the analyst. We will remind, China tries to create a new warship of Ture 076 with a large open flight deck. The ship is about to equip modern catapults and devices to support drones. On May 30, Focus wrote about a successful operation of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Two Russian boats KS-701 "Tunnets" were affected in Crimea.