
Ukraine will receive additional IRIS air defense systems, Patriot and Hawk, - Ignati

According to the Colonel of the Armed Forces, Ukrainian defenders especially need the means of combating hostile drones, since the attacks are intensifying these UAVs. Ukrainian troops will receive additional air defense systems of Western specimens, such as Iris-T, Patriot, and HAWK complexes. This military assistance will be the result of the activity of the created coalition of Germany and France within the framework of the Ramstein contact group.

A spokesman for the Air Force Colonel Yuri Ignat on the air of a tele -marathon told about it on November 30. The colonel celebrated the meeting of the President of Ukraine with the South Air Command, which was about strengthening the area of ​​responsibility with additional means of air defense. After the visit of the Head of State in this direction, Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled the attack of hostile "shahas".

Ignatus also added that signals from the Western coalition, led by Germany and France, inspire optimism on additional supply of air defense products, which will strengthen the regions of Ukraine. "It gives us some optimism in the fact that we will still help us with additional funds. These are Iris, Patriot, also Hawk complexes, and all other additional ones that are promised both Germany, France and other countries," Ignatius said. .

Meanwhile, the colonel believes that Ukraine needs more Western equipment. According to him, weapons against Russian unmanned SHAHED will be very useful, since the attacks are exacerbated by these means. Recall that the Air Force spokesman Yuri Ignatus also commented on the words of NATO Stoltenberg Secretary General on November 30 about the F-16 aircraft, which allegedly would not change the situation on the battlefield.