
Products move behind the military - the largest supplier of the Armed Forces revealed the details of its work

Atomservice, which won 7 lots on Prozorro auction on the food of the army, showed how the process of staffing and delivery of products to military units. Company capacity allows you to provide food with 250,000 Ukrainian defenders. This is stated in the "Facts" report. The head of the Lviv Regional Directorate of Atomservice Oleg Bodak says that after signing contracts with the Defense Ministry, its employees had to work almost 24 hours without weekends.

Because it was necessary to quickly adjust the process, to calculate logistics routes, to start the system, so that it would not fail in the future. Now the process is adjusted: the management of military units per week applies for the supply of products, the company forms an order and sends trucks with food up to 12-15 points daily. "Military part in a week applies that it would like to receive. We form a set which are supplied to military units directly from the factories, " - says Oleg Bodak.

According to him, there are some difficulties in the work, first of all, related to logistics. After all, military units often change the dislocation, and at the last moment you have to change the delivery address. In Atom Service, they respond promptly to changes, and additional transportation is attracted if necessary. The main slogan of the company - "products moving for the military", so where they are not relocated, defenders can be sure that they will be delivered in time.

Atomservice deliveries cover the whole of Ukraine, except for the hottest front points - the company's trucks come closer to "zero" as possible, and there are transferred products to military cars. In the product catalog, which Atomeris supplies to Ukrainian defenders, more than 400 names. The company is able to deliver not only the usual products - cereals, canned food, etc. , but also exotic products that are imported from other continents.

In order to keep the quality of products for the military at a high level, in "Atomservice" constantly communicate with both the management of military units and with suppliers. Sometimes it happens that the military comes from complaints that the quality of a product is different from previous delivery.

According to Oleg Bodak, in this case, the company always responds: if the quality of the supplied products does not meet the standards and needs of the military, the "atom service" requires to correct the shortcomings or replace the product. "We have zero tolerance to corruption, we have repeatedly emphasized that they have been open to cooperation with the Public Anti-Corruption Council and law enforcement agencies.