
In Ukraine, the production of German UAV VECTOR was launched: how they are used by the Armed Forces (photo)

The renewed UAV-reconnaissance, which is produced in Ukraine, can work at night and in bad weather, and also better identifies and identifies goals. In the spring of 2024, the German company Quantum-Systems launched a plant for the production of VECTOR unmanned complexes in Ukraine. Representatives of the Ukrainian division of the company "Militar" told this. It is reported that the Quantum-Systems plant in Ukraine is currently collecting Vector drones from ready-made kits arriving from Germany.

The company gradually localizes production. Yes, the drones are already equipped with wings and crap-amen satellite signal made in Ukraine. Fuselage production and other elements are also planned. According to Quantum-Systems representatives, the war in Ukraine revealed the vulnerability of UAV-reconnaissance who use satellite communications.

In view of this, the company is working on optical navigation technology based on an updated optical station with integrated software based on artificial intelligence (AI) AI Receptor. The new set of updates is based on the Jetson Orin Nvidia chip and several sensors. Upgrade allows drone to automatically recognize and identify objects with the help of AI, as well as optical navigation during the day, at night and in poor visibility.

The drones are also equipped with Raptor optical modules with television and infrared observation from the Israeli company Nextvision. According to the publication, the Ukrainian soldiers use VAVL VAVL of the average radius of action since May 2022. The supply of these drones of the Armed Forces is funded by the German government. In total, Germany has already transferred 212 systems to Ukraine. The company also declares plans to put the Armed Forces another 500 UAV by the end of this year.

VAVLA VAVL technical characteristics: Earlier in Quantum Systems noted that having a base in Ukraine will allow the company to collect feedback, conduct research and improve their drones. The start of production in Ukraine will also optimize logistics costs and accelerate the receipt of spare parts necessary for the repair of drones. In addition, the launch of production facilities in Ukraine will allow plants in Germany, the US and Australia to produce systems for NATO countries.

Recall that in July Quantum Systems stated that she began to equip Vector reconnaissance UAVs in Ukraine with updated sensors with AI Receptor. According to the developers, the updating of hardware and software allows you to better identify objects, classify, identify and track them.