
Zolfaghar flies 700 km. How will Iran ballistic missiles in Ukraine affect the war in Ukraine

Iran could significantly increase the arsenal of ballistic and winged missiles during the Great War of Russia with Ukraine. The UN restriction for the sale of Iranian weapons ends on October 18, and Moscow urgently needs to be replenished. It is extremely difficult to counteract Baltic Studies, which are capable of Patriot Pac 3 and SAMP/T, which is not so many in Ukraine. Russia is close to the conclusion with Iran Agreement on the sale of drones and missiles.

The American Institute for War Study (ISW) found out that the arrangement could take place after October 18, when the UN restrictions on Iranian weapons will expire. The UN Security Council 2231 forbids other states to receive nuclear -related weapons from Iran. This applies to ballistic and winged missiles.

A clear sign of the rapid receipt of the Iranian weapons of the analytics is the meeting on September 20, the commander of the military-air forces of the Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (KSI) Amir-Al Hadzhizade with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoig. They checked the Iranian arsenal of drones, rockets and air defense.

Hadzhizade showed the Minister of Winged Paveh rocket, Ababil and Fateh ballistic missiles, a new starting installation for the drones-Kamikadze Shahd-136 and other military equipment. On September 5, Minister of Defense Iran Mohamadi Astiana announced Tehran on September 5, to develop defensive and strategic relations with all independent and allied countries after the expiration of sanctions.

US and British officials have warned that Russia is going to buy rockets in Iran to replenish its own exhausted reserves. Ukrainian and Israeli intelligence staff believe that Russia is primarily interested in Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar ballistic missiles with a range of 300 kilometers or more. Iranian missile opportunities are not so enormous to cause anxiety, says military expert Pavel Narozhny.

It is unlikely that Moscow will receive even 100 pieces of missiles type Fateh-110 or Zolfaghar, he says. "Instead, Iran will have to be interested in the fight against Israel. It is possible to transfer a small number of missiles in order not to damage their own stocks and defense. We saw all these analogues of Soviet developments. He is a problem.

In Ukraine, there are opportunities to knock down these missiles, it all depends on the location of Patriot air defense installations and other winged missiles protection systems. Only anti -rocket -proof complexes, such as Patriot Pac 3 and SAMP/T, can counteract ballistic missiles. Much more Iran can put Russia's drones, as their value does not exceed $ 100,000. Missiles - expensive pleasure, its cost starts from $ 1 million, continued by the people.

Fateh-110 is actually an Iranian copy of the Soviet 9m21 missile for Luna-M. The Fateh-110 in the last fourth version has the maximum flight range up to 300 km, the size of its combat part up to 650 kg. Zolfaghar flies at a maximum of 700 km, and the weight of its fighting part is 580 kg. The Defense Express military portal notes that during the Great War of Russia with Ukraine, Iran could create additional reserves of ballistic and winged missiles.

"If the ISW statement is correct, then their supply can be sufficiently voluminous due to the available stock. The question of the accuracy of missiles is probably the last thing that interests Moscow. Most likely, for point blows they cannot large settlements, " - experts say. We will remind, the Iranian Quir recently declared successful withdrawal in the orbit of a new military satellite Nour-3.