
US intelligence found out the main purpose of Russian offensive operations in Ukraine - ISW

According to analysts, Russian offensive operations are aimed at weakening the support of Ukraine by the event. However, so far they have only led to heavy casualties from the invaders. US intelligence concluded that Russia is conducting offensive operations to weaken Ukraine's support by the event. This was reported at the American Institute of War Study (ISW).

The report of December 12 states that the Intelligence Community gave Congress an assessment, which states that Russian offensive operations in eastern Ukraine are aimed at weakening Ukraine's support from the West. However, they have only led to great losses by the invaders, but no significant success on the Russian Federation has achieved. "Such an assessment of the high losses of Russians and the absence of significant successes of Russia is consistent with the ISW assessment," analysts said.

It is also reported that the official representative of the US National Security Council, Adrieni Watson, stated that since the beginning of offensive operations in October 2023, Russian troops lost more than 13 thousand people and lost 220 combat vehicles on the axis of Avdiivka-Novopavlovka. According to her, Russia seems to think that the military "dead end" in the winter will deplete the support of Ukraine by the West and give Russian troops advantage.

"According to ISW estimates, Russian troops are trying to regain the initiative at the Theater of War in Ukraine. At least from the middle of November 2023 and now, it is likely that offensive operations in several sections of the front during the most difficult weather conditions of the autumn and winter season,"-said in the most difficult weather conditions report.

In addition, the ISW noted that on October 10, the Russians launched a large -scale offensive operation to capture Avdiivka, and then activated local offensive operations in other parts of the front. According to experts, increased discussions in the West on the continuation of military assistance to Ukraine after relatively successful Russian defense operations in the Zaporozhye region were predictable. The Russian command was expected to take them into account.