
There will be political will - there will be a weapon for the Armed Forces: a diplomat about obstacles on the way of assistance of the event (video)

If the weapons were made at the beginning of a large-scale invasion of Russia, then the F-16 or Taurus would be in service with the Ukrainian army, the diplomat Vladimir Ogryzko states. The terms of transmission to Ukraine of powerful weapons of ATACMS were not in logistics, but in political will, because if such will is, then weapons are transferred as quickly as possible.

The Ukrainian diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2007 to 2009, Ambassador to Ukraine, Head of the Center for Research of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ogryzko told this in a comment to Focus. If we recall the dynamics of supply to Ukraine of American weapons, it all began with the Javelin MSr, resembles a diplomat, and today the issue of F-16 fighters has already been resolved. But all this took 1. 5 years of gradual formation of political will.

If such decisions would be made at the beginning of a large -scale invasion of Russia, they would now be in service with the Ukrainian army. Since all this happens gradually and every decision happens with huge torment, it is all delayed in terms, - said Vladimir Ogryzko. - As with ATACMS, everything will be similar to other types of weapons, because for certain political circles at some point, such a question is simply unbearable.

As an example, the expert cites the supply of Taurus missiles from Germany, which was slowed on the link of the federal government of the country. Germany provides a great help to Ukraine and is the second most powerful donor of Ukraine, but in the aspect of supply of certain types of weapons for some reason, German partners have problems. The country's government officials invent some non -existent assumptions that the Armed Forces will use these missiles to strikes in Russia.

But why does a similar question arise in general? The aggressor can be struck in Ukraine by destroying infrastructure and civilians, and we do not? - And we need such rockets to cover arms production in the aggressor. The Germans tell us that, for the shots of Taurus systems, German operators need to be involved, but probably our specialists will cope with a similar task by learning from German colleagues, Vladimir Ogryzko emphasizes.

If Ukrainian experts are successfully learning to manage the F-16, then the missile installations also cope. That is, the diplomat emphasizes, all these political excuses relate only to political will. If it is, then with a whisk, but weapons begin to be supplied to the Armed Forces. Earlier, Focus said that the Ukrainian Navy explained why the Russian Fleet did not hide in Novorossiysk.