
Autumn Superfood: 7 Useful properties of pumpkin seeds for health

Pumpkin seeds are an incredibly useful product that contains important nutrients and supports your health. Here are the 7 most useful properties you need to know about. Do not throw away the seeds of fruits and vegetables, as some of them are a rich source of nutrients needed. A clear example is pumpkin seeds! It should not be underestimated because of the size, as pumpkin seeds can become your secret weapon, which allows you to stay in shape and not lose concentration. Health shots writes about it.

In focus. The style appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe to not miss the most interesting news from the world of show business and worldly life! Pumpkin seeds are a source of many nutrients, including beneficial fats, magnesium, selenium, iron and antioxidants, - says Nutritionist Aruna Malla. Due to the rich source of magnesium, zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, pumpkin seeds help to maintain the health of your heart.

The study published in the journal "Additional therapy in Clinical Practice" showed that the inclusion of pumpkin seeds in its diet can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, which are the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease.

Do you know that one of the greatest advantages of pumpkin seeds is that it is a natural source of magnesium? Magnesium is important for maintaining overall health: from controlling blood pressure to reducing the risk of heart disease, maintaining healthy bones and regulating diabetes. Aruna Malya's nutritionist says: "Magnesium is necessary for bone formation, and the low level of this nutrient creates a risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

The use of pumpkin seeds before or after a snack helps to satisfy the recommended daily magnesium. " Pumpkin seeds contain zinc that helps maintain a healthy immune system as shown in a study published in Food Production, Processing and Nutrition. In addition, it is also rich in iron, selenium, vitamin E and antioxidants needed to maintain the health of your immune system. Can't sleep normally? Try to add pumpkin seeds to your diet.

The nutritionist explains that pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps treat insomnia. "Our body turns tryptophan into serotonin, the hormone of a good health that makes you feel relaxed and promotes good sleep. " This seed is also rich in fiber and helps to relieve constipation and improve digestion. A study published in Nutrients showed that the high fiber content in pumpkin seeds promotes the health of the digestive system.

Malla says that adding pumpkin seeds to your diet in addition to exercise and lifestyle changes, is useful to maintain the overall health of the digestive system. It can also help you lose weight and regulate blood sugar. A study published in the journal of medical food has shown that pumpkin seed extracts have properties that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Other studies have found a positive effect of pumpkin seeds on cancer.

The expert says that the antioxidants contained in the seeds can help protect you from cancer. Adding pumpkin seeds to your diet can even help control blood sugar. Nutrition research research has shown that people who added pumpkin seeds to the diet had a decrease in blood sugar. Thus, this can help regulate blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. However, additional research is needed to find out about the effects of pumpkin seeds on diabetes.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds are available to all, but you need to be careful and consume it in moderation. Pumpkin seeds give about 163 kcal, 8. 5 g of protein and 13. 9 g of fat. It also contains other nutrients that will help you maintain your health. However, before adding pumpkin seeds to your diet, consult your doctor. Recall that the pumpkin contains vitamins B, PP, E, C, antioxidants, trace elements, including iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and fiber.