
"Developers do not understand what the army is need

Often, developers offer talented but unnecessary ideas on the front, or their impractical implementation. More interaction and testing in combat are required. The first stage of the Hackathon of the Ministry of Defense called "The offensive of the cars" on January 28-29 gathered developers and military to find new technological solutions.

According to the former volunteer, and now the junior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Karpyuk (Serg Marco), the meeting showed that the developers do not always understand the needs of the front and spend precious time on unnecessary projects. Oleksandr Karpyuk states that most developers have no access to UAVs and real combat pilots. Navigation developers are not able to test the system in real conditions.

Ammunition creators do not imagine how real big drones work, and are not aware of the specifics of their use. For example, goals recognition systems in the photo cannot process video. They also do not understand the problems of the army as a whole, what samples of equipment are necessary for more efficient fighting. "Developers do not understand what the army is needed and what priorities are needed. For example, there are manufacturers in the development of ammunition supply.

Large copters of ammunition, and they are bombing in the night. They thought. They will buy greenhouses (thermal imagers - ed. ) Some, even very complex developments, such as switch control function, do not actually have practical use during hostilities. Their creators do not answer the question why it is necessary for the military and rely entirely on the ingenuity of the latter. Others offer useful functions, but they are unsuccessful.

"The manufacturer comes out and demonstrates the directional antenna from the drone. I am as follows: Well, finally! Finally, the connection between the antenna and the board will be organized with the help of directed antennas with positions, which will allow to put . . . on the hostile remains and to make ineffective hostile reactions. They demonstrate this development on a ground drone, on a wheel.

Why is it needed there, if necessary for UAV? " The platform is obvious to where manufacturers could communicate with the military, interact with samples of equipment and create the necessary layouts. But he also pointed to some successful technologies that do not currently have a medium for testing, such as Reb domes against drones. The same opinion is maintained by a military specialist with the IP Sergey Beskrestnov with the pseudonym "Flash", who also visited Hakaton.

He noticed that Ukrainians have shown great talent and ideas that are often not very needed by the military. "Sometimes what has been done for a long time or what seems important to them, but the armies do not need it. But it can For future Russian drones with machine vision, we will answer our enemy worthy. " The hackathon, which is attended by 458 developers, has not yet been completed: the jury has not yet named the winners.